Erik Winfree's allergies
I created this page to solve a problem: what to do when someone
invites me to dinner at their home. That's all a very nice thing, not
a problem -- the difficulty is that I have extensive (non-dangerous
but unpleasant) food allergies. (My condition is known as
eosinophilic esophagitis.)
So, there are multiple lists, which are likely to evolve as I continue to figure this out.
I can eat with no problems whatsoever:
beef, pork, lamb
rice, wheat, rye, barley, grits, oatmeal, bread
wheat pasta, rice noodles
soy, tofu, beans, seaweed
milk, cheese (non-moldy), goat cheese
cooked fresh fish (but not canned)
beets, herbs, onion, yam, sweet potato
corn, squash, zucchini, cucumber, olives
artichoke, leeks, arugula, asparagus, mushrooms
cooked (but not raw) celery, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans
cooked (but not raw) canteloupe, melons
cooked (but not raw) apples, oranges
sugar, butter, oil, salt & pepper, sesame, light garlic
honey, ice cream, chocolate, pomegranate
I can NOT eat; even small amounts can be unpleasant:
chicken, turkey, duck, fowl
shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, shellfish
canned fish
peas, chick peas (garbonzo), lentils, hummus
avocado, carrots
walnuts, brazil nuts, nuts in general.
I should not eat too much as they can be mildly unpleasant; but often I'll have them in small amounts anyways:
peanuts, coffee
tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, hot peppers
uncooked canteloupe, melons
uncooked celery, broccoli, cauliflower
grapes, plums, strawberries, dates
(raw) oranges, lemons, citrus, apples, kiwi, banana, fruits in general
lettuce, spinach, cabbage, brussel sprouts
moldy cheese (e.g. blue)
raw fish (OK if fresh high-quality), eel
Some foods on the "bad" lists seem to be OK if thoroughly cooked, but I haven't really figured out what's trustable there. In fact, this list continues to be revised...
Everyone should have a page like this, don't cha think?