Current Members |
Current Visitors |
Alumni | Past Visitors |
Past Members |
Andrés Ortiz-Muñoz | |
PhD (Systems Biology, 2014-2022); previously (Bachelor's, U Texas El Paso, 2014); now at the Santa Fe Institute | |
stochastic chemical reaction networks, theory of self-assembly, models of development, category theory, mathematical logic | | | |
William Poole | |
PhD (CNS, 2015-2022); previously (Bachelor's, Biological physics, Brown University, 2013) joint with Murray lab, now at Altos Labs with Hana El Samad | |
biochemical systems and information processing, machine learning, stochastic behavior | | | |
Chris Thachuk | |
Banting Research Fellow (CMS, 2014-2020); previously (PhD, CS, U. British Columbia, 2012); now asst. prof. in CSE at UW | |
theoretical computer science, string algorithms, DNA strand displacement, chemical reaction networks, energy landscapes | | | |
Robert Johnson | |
PhD (BE, 2014-2020) co-mentored with Lulu Qian; previously (Bachelor's, Biology, Caltech, 2014); soon to be postdoc with Anne Condon (U British Columbia) | |
chemical reaction networks, DNA strand displacement, verification, bisimulation, complexity theory, impossibility proofs | | | |
Stefan Badelt | |
Postdoctoral Fellow (BE 2016-2020); previously (PhD, Molecular Biology, U. Vienna, 2016); now postdoc with Ivo Hofacker at U. Vienna | |
theoretical biology, RNA secondary structure and kinetics, co-transcriptional folding, energy landscapes, sequence design, molecular programming compilers | | | |
Frits Dannenberg | |
Postdoctoral Fellow (CMS 2016-2018); previously (PhD, Computer Science, Oxford, 2016); now Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht | |
applied mathematics, verification, nucleic acid self-assembly and folding kinetics | | | |
Damien Woods | |
Senior Research Fellow (CMS 2009-2016); previously (PhD, CS, NUI Maynooth, 2005); researcher at INRIA Paris; now Prof. of Computer Science, NUI Maynooth | |
models of computation, self-replication and origin of life, algorithmic self-assembly | | | |
Dave Doty | |
Senior Research Fellow (CMS, 2010-2015); previously (PhD, CS, Iowa State U., 2009); now Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science, UC Davis | |
theoretical computer science, self-assembly, chemical reaction networks | | | |
Niranjan Srinivas | |
PhD (CNS, 2015); previously (Master's, Math & Computational Science, IIT Kanpur, 2008); postdoc at UC Berkeley; now at 10X Genomics | |
machine learning, DNA strand displacement systems, synthetic developmental biology | | | |
Constantine Evans | |
Postdoctoral Researcher (BE, 2015); PhD (Physics, 2014); now at Evans Foundation and Maynouth University, Ireland | |
algorithmic self-assembly, DNA sequence design, physics | | | |
Joseph Schaeffer | |
PhD (CS, 2013) and MS (CS, 2012); now at Autodesk Research, Bio/Nano Programmable Matter group | |
simulating DNA secondary structure thermodynamics and kinetics | | | |
Lulu Qian | |
Postdoc (BE, 2008-2013) co-mentored with Shuki Bruck; now Prof. of Bioengineering, Caltech | |
DNA strand displacement circuits, biochemical learning, molecular robots | | | |
Qing Dong | |
MS (CS, 2012 from SUNY Stony Brook) co-advised with Steven Skiena; now at Epic Systems, Wisconsin | |
bisimulation verification of chemical reaction network implementations | | | |
Ho-Lin Chen | |
CMI and MPP postdoctoral fellow (2007-2011); now Assoc. Prof. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University | |
theoretical computer science, algorithmic game theory, self-assembly, chemical reaction networks | | | |
Seung Woo Shin | |
MS (CS, 2011); was graduate student at UC Berkeley with Umesh Vazirani; now at Google | |
theoretical computer science, chemical reaction networks, quantum computing | | | |
Rizal Hariadi | |
PhD (APh, 2011); was postdoc at U Michigan with Sivaraj Sivaramakrishnan, then at Harvard with Peng Yin; now Asst. Prof. of Physics, Arizona State U | |
biophysics, microscopy, self-assembly, molecular motors | | | |
Elisa Franco | |
PhD (CDS, 2011) co-mentored with Richard Murray; now Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UCLA | |
control theory, biological feedback circuits, cell-free synthetic circuits, self-assembly | | | |
Dave Zhang | |
PhD (CNS, 2010); now Assoc. Prof. of Bioengineering at Rice U. | |
DNA strand displacement circuits, biophysics, diagnostics | | | |
Peng Yin | |
CBCD and MPP postdoctoral fellow (2005-2009) co-mentored with Niles Pierce; now Prof. of Systems Biology, Harvard. | |
DNA nanotechnology, molecular programming, synthetic biology | | | |
Georg Seelig | |
CBCD postdoctoral fellow (2003-2009); now Assoc. Prof. of EE, CSE, and BE at U. Washington. | |
dynamic DNA nanotechnology, molecular programming, synthetic biology, quantitative biology | | | |
Paul Rothemund | |
BI and CPI postdoctoral fellow (2002-2007); now Research Professor at Caltech. | |
DNA origami, algorithmic self-assembly, nanofabrication | |
231 Moore, x5795, | |
David Soloveichik | |
PhD (CNS, 2008); now Assoc. Prof. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at UT Austin. | |
DNA nanotechnology, molecular programming, self-assembly, chemical reaction networks, machine learning | | | |
Sung Ha Park | |
CPI postdoctoral fellow (2005-2007); now Assoc. Prof. of Physics at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea | |
DNA nanotechnology, self-assembly | | | |
Rebecca Schulman | |
PhD (CNS, 2007); now Assoc. Prof. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins | |
biomimetic engineering, DNA nanotechnology, self-assembly, pattern formation | | | |
Jongmin Kim | |
PhD (Biology, 2007); postdocs at Caltech with Richard Murray and at Harvard with Peng Yin; now Asst. Prof. at POSTECH, Korea | |
synthetic cell-free biochemical circuits | | |
DNA Laboratory Phone: x6988
Shipping address: Caltech Mail Code 136-93, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125