The DNA and Natural Algorithms Group

Alumni Past


Andrés Ortiz-Muñoz
PhD (Systems Biology, 2014-2022); previously (Bachelor's, U Texas El Paso, 2014); now at the Santa Fe Institute
stochastic chemical reaction networks, theory of self-assembly, models of development, category theory, mathematical logic
William Poole
PhD (CNS, 2015-2022); previously (Bachelor's, Biological physics, Brown University, 2013) joint with Murray lab, now at Altos Labs with Hana El Samad
biochemical systems and information processing, machine learning, stochastic behavior
Chris Thachuk
Banting Research Fellow (CMS, 2014-2020); previously (PhD, CS, U. British Columbia, 2012); now asst. prof. in CSE at UW
theoretical computer science, string algorithms, DNA strand displacement, chemical reaction networks, energy landscapes
Robert Johnson
PhD (BE, 2014-2020) co-mentored with Lulu Qian; previously (Bachelor's, Biology, Caltech, 2014); soon to be postdoc with Anne Condon (U British Columbia)
chemical reaction networks, DNA strand displacement, verification, bisimulation, complexity theory, impossibility proofs
Stefan Badelt
Postdoctoral Fellow (BE 2016-2020); previously (PhD, Molecular Biology, U. Vienna, 2016); now postdoc with Ivo Hofacker at U. Vienna
theoretical biology, RNA secondary structure and kinetics, co-transcriptional folding, energy landscapes, sequence design, molecular programming compilers
Frits Dannenberg
Postdoctoral Fellow (CMS 2016-2018); previously (PhD, Computer Science, Oxford, 2016); now Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
applied mathematics, verification, nucleic acid self-assembly and folding kinetics
Damien Woods
Senior Research Fellow (CMS 2009-2016); previously (PhD, CS, NUI Maynooth, 2005); researcher at INRIA Paris; now Prof. of Computer Science, NUI Maynooth
models of computation, self-replication and origin of life, algorithmic self-assembly
Dave Doty
Senior Research Fellow (CMS, 2010-2015); previously (PhD, CS, Iowa State U., 2009); now Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science, UC Davis
theoretical computer science, self-assembly, chemical reaction networks
Niranjan Srinivas
PhD (CNS, 2015); previously (Master's, Math & Computational Science, IIT Kanpur, 2008); postdoc at UC Berkeley; now at 10X Genomics
machine learning, DNA strand displacement systems, synthetic developmental biology
Constantine Evans
Postdoctoral Researcher (BE, 2015); PhD (Physics, 2014); now at Evans Foundation and Maynouth University, Ireland
algorithmic self-assembly, DNA sequence design, physics
Joseph Schaeffer
PhD (CS, 2013) and MS (CS, 2012); now at Autodesk Research, Bio/Nano Programmable Matter group
simulating DNA secondary structure thermodynamics and kinetics
Lulu Qian
Postdoc (BE, 2008-2013) co-mentored with Shuki Bruck; now Prof. of Bioengineering, Caltech
DNA strand displacement circuits, biochemical learning, molecular robots
Qing Dong
MS (CS, 2012 from SUNY Stony Brook) co-advised with Steven Skiena; now at Epic Systems, Wisconsin
bisimulation verification of chemical reaction network implementations
Ho-Lin Chen
CMI and MPP postdoctoral fellow (2007-2011); now Assoc. Prof. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
theoretical computer science, algorithmic game theory, self-assembly, chemical reaction networks
Seung Woo Shin
MS (CS, 2011); was graduate student at UC Berkeley with Umesh Vazirani; now at Google
theoretical computer science, chemical reaction networks, quantum computing
Rizal Hariadi
PhD (APh, 2011); was postdoc at U Michigan with Sivaraj Sivaramakrishnan, then at Harvard with Peng Yin; now Asst. Prof. of Physics, Arizona State U
biophysics, microscopy, self-assembly, molecular motors
Elisa Franco
PhD (CDS, 2011) co-mentored with Richard Murray; now Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UCLA
control theory, biological feedback circuits, cell-free synthetic circuits, self-assembly
Dave Zhang
PhD (CNS, 2010); now Assoc. Prof. of Bioengineering at Rice U.
DNA strand displacement circuits, biophysics, diagnostics
Peng Yin
CBCD and MPP postdoctoral fellow (2005-2009) co-mentored with Niles Pierce; now Prof. of Systems Biology, Harvard.
DNA nanotechnology, molecular programming, synthetic biology
Georg Seelig
CBCD postdoctoral fellow (2003-2009); now Assoc. Prof. of EE, CSE, and BE at U. Washington.
dynamic DNA nanotechnology, molecular programming, synthetic biology, quantitative biology
Paul Rothemund
BI and CPI postdoctoral fellow (2002-2007); now Research Professor at Caltech.
DNA origami, algorithmic self-assembly, nanofabrication
231 Moore, x5795,
David Soloveichik
PhD (CNS, 2008); now Assoc. Prof. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at UT Austin.
DNA nanotechnology, molecular programming, self-assembly, chemical reaction networks, machine learning
Sung Ha Park
CPI postdoctoral fellow (2005-2007); now Assoc. Prof. of Physics at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
DNA nanotechnology, self-assembly
Rebecca Schulman
PhD (CNS, 2007); now Assoc. Prof. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins
biomimetic engineering, DNA nanotechnology, self-assembly, pattern formation
Jongmin Kim
PhD (Biology, 2007); postdocs at Caltech with Richard Murray and at Harvard with Peng Yin; now Asst. Prof. at POSTECH, Korea
synthetic cell-free biochemical circuits

DNA Laboratory Phone: x6988

Shipping address: Caltech Mail Code 136-93, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125

(last updated 5 January, 2023)