Welcome to
Computing Beyond Silicon Summer School!
There are revolutions
at hand in the way we understand and implement computation, driven
by an awareness of impending barriers to VLSI scaling and new understandings
of the physical world. This fundamental shift in perspective allows
us to contemplate engineering computational substrates at the molecular
and atomic levels. To develop and exploit these new substrates will
require an intimate understanding of both the physical substrates
and the nature of computation, as well as the relation between them.
Research and
researchers whose competency spans across the disciplines will be
necessary to drive progress in this area of novel computational
substrates. In this summer program we assemble a unique collection
of materials intended to start identifying the fundamental background
knowledge necessary to work in this area and the fundamental challenges
this area presents.
We invite
promising, motivated students with an interest in novel computation
to join researchers from Caltech and institutions across the country
for an intensive introduction to this exciting area.
students with backgrounds in computer science, biology, chemistry,
or physics are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
June 14 - July 9, 2004
June 15, 2004
9 am Rock Auditorium
for Application
March 1, 2004
of Admission
April 1, 2004
telephone: (626) 395-4142
email: cbsss@cs.caltech.edu
Students are Encouraged to Apply
meals, and travel stipend provided by Caltech.